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A smart bracelet for your loved one

Discreet and comfortable

Thanks to its comfortable and non-stigmatizing design, the Dcare bracelet perfectly fits into the daily life of seniors who will quickly consider it essential.

Indicator light

A LED indicator flashes and changes color according to status changes and alert sendings.

Panic button

A button that allows you to manually send alerts or cancel the sending of an automatic notification, following a fall without consequence.


Thanks to innovative technologies used between the Dcare Box, the Dcare Plugs and the bracelet, its battery lasts up to 6 months.

smartphones displaying the Dcare app

An app to ensure safety

The Dcare application is connected with the bracelet to track and notify the network and caregivers of the senior in case of need.

Alert notifications

Monitoring screen

Quick and guided configuration

User-friendly and accessible interface

Shaping a support network

infographic of the network of relatives and caregivers

By combining the bracelet with the Dcare app, create a network of relatives and caregivers who will ensure the well-being of the senior.

Thanks to live monitoring, alongside notifications, the network of actors in the senior's daily life will be able to ensure prompt care in the event of a problem.

An incident that is dealt with in time no longer has the same risk of consequences, thanks to the information provided by Dcare's innovative features.

The Dcare technology meets the main needs of seniors for an extended care at home.

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